SES / SoPP in New York Observer Magazine

Discussion of the SES's satellite organisations in the USA.

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Re: SES / SoPP in New York Observer Magazine

Postby woodgreen » Thu May 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Great post Actually There. All the money in the world cannot defeat the free press, and well done NY Observer. One line summed it up for me , when asked who/ where is the leader, the chap said, " he used to be here but now he's gone", or words to that effect. AKA McLaren. i.e. he died. And his evil with him I say. xxxxxxxx Woodgreen
Ex-SES Member. (Member for 3 years in late nineties).

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Re: SES / SoPP in New York Observer Magazine

Postby chittani » Fri May 27, 2011 10:33 am

I thought the article was quite mean-spirited, and lazy - the way it criticises people's clothes, their BO, their 'squawking' voices - both SES people and their part 1 students. Feels a bit like shooting fish in a barrel. I even started to feel sorry for everyone involved.

I did laugh at the comment about how 'evolved' the NY leader supposedly is! Nobody in the UK School would have said anything as toadyish as that (and got away with it). Maybe things are different in NY.

It's a false note though - 'evolved' is not a term of praise in School, because what is old is best & all change is bad. I bet the journalist made it up. The whole thing seems a bit concocted - he didn't find anything that surprised him, or made him think about why people would bother.

Andrew Billen did an article on St James girls school 10 years ago - I think for the UK Observer - which I admired. It captured the mixture of idealism, oddness, comedy, harshness and love that characterised the place. I suspect the article was too positive for the cult-watchers; I know it was too negative for true believers in the School; but I thought it was just right.

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Re: SES / SoPP in New York Observer Magazine

Postby actuallythere » Sat May 28, 2011 6:42 am

There's one sentence of this article that makes it essential reading - the last sentence. It illustrates better than ever before what draws a certain type of person to SES / SoPP, why they stay, why they become zealots, and what is so dangerous about that. It reads:

"I don't know how to live."

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Re: SES / SoPP in New York Observer Magazine

Postby iwonder » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:48 am

Thank you for posting that article..very interesting indeed.
It is refreshing to read an article that is non-biased in the sense that the free press are simply commenting on what they experienced when they signed up for a course 'taster'. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that they run 'satellite' schools yet all hide under different school names. Am I stating common sense too much here in saying that if you are proud of something then what need would you have to want to hide it, or even protect it?

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